That's Right...
I Am The Matrix!
$ git config --global "Your Name" $ git config --global "" $ git config --global push.default matching $ git config --global checkout $ git init
git add . git commit -am "Commit Message" git push
git checkout .
git checkout -b branchName
git branch BranchName
# To Push A Branch git push origin BRANCHNAME # To push your master branch git push origin master
git checkout master
# While Checked into your branch... git merge # Or while checked into your master branch git merge BranchName
# After You've Merged Your Branch Back Into Your Master Branch git branch -d oldBranchName
git status
git mergetool
# Test to see if you have the heroku toolbelt installed heroku --version # login to Heroku heroku login # Add security keys heroku keys:add # Create an App heroku create #to rename your app at heroku heroku rename ENTERNAME # Push your code git push heroku master