Basic Ruby Programming
More Interesting Things
Just Sitting Around
St. Louis 2015
if name == "John" puts "Hi There John!" elsif name == "Bob" puts "Heyo Bob!" else puts "I don't know you! Stranger Danger!!" end
if name == "John" || name == "Bob" puts "Hi There John or Bob!" end
if number > 41 && number < 100 puts "Your number is between 41 and 100!" end
num = 0 while num < 10 do puts num += 1 end
num = 0 until num == 10 do puts num += 1 end
for num in 0..5 puts num end
(0..5).each do |num| puts num end
our_array = [0,1,2,3,4,5] our_array.each do |num| puts "This number is #{our_array[num]}" end
# Create An Array our_array = ["John", "Jane", "Bill", "Mary", "Fred"] # Each Loop through the array WITH and index our_array.each_with_index do | name, index | puts "#{index + 1}. Hello, my name is #{name}" # add 1 to index just so it doesn't start with 0 end
names = ["John", "Mary", "Tim", "Beatrice", "Bluto"] puts names[2]
names = ["John", "Mary", "Tim", "Beatrice", "Bluto", [1,2,3,4,5]] puts names[5][3]
# Use double arrays to create a grid for a word search puzzle box = [] 10.times do | row | box[row] = [] 10.times do box[row] << "*" end end box.each do | row | # add spaces between our output puts row.join( ' ' ) end
favorite_pizza = { "John" => "Pepperoni", "Tim" => "Mushroom", "Mary" => "Cheese", "Beatrice" => "Ham and Onion", "Bluto" => "Supreme" } puts favorite_pizza["John"]
def is_even(x) if x % 2 == 0 return true else return false end end is_even(99)
def namer(first, last) puts "First Name: #{first}" puts "Last Name: #{last}" end namer("John", "Elder")
# Modify the + method in our class class Adder def initialize(a) @a = a end def number @number = @a end def +(other) return (self.number + other.number) * 2 end end # Instantiate and pass in two numbers add = add2 = # Add the two numbers puts add + add2 # Should output 10 not 5 because we multiplied by 2
# Classes Start With Capital Letters class Product # Always Initialize It First def initialize( description, price) # generate a random number for the ID just for fun @id = rand(100...999) # suck in our description and price from the outside @description = description @price = price end def to_s # return by rewriting to_s :-p and add tabs with \t return "#{@id}\t#{@description}\t#{@price}" end end # Instantiate our class book = "Ruby On Rails For Web Development", 26.95 ) book2 = "Intro To Ruby", 25.95 ) # Call the thing! puts book puts book2
# Classes Start With Capital Letters class Product # Always Initialize It First push wildcards into the initialization with *placeholder def initialize( *placeholder_args ) #suck in whatever you passed during initialization into a @whatever array @whatever = placeholder_args end def do_something @do_something = @whatever end end # Set it up... Instantiate our class book = "a thing", "another thing", 3, 4, "last thing") # Call the thing! puts book.inspect # Print out the 3rd item in the array puts book.do_something[2]
# Getters 'get' stuff from your class # Setters 'set' stuff in your class class Product # Always Initialize It First def initialize( description, price) @id = rand(100...999) @description = description @price = price end # Create GETTER for our descrition def description # don't need "return", but I like it return @description end # Create SETTER for our description...Setters use = and can be named after its getter def description=( description ) @description = description end def to_s # return by rewriting to_s :-p and add tabs with \t return "#{@id}\t#{@description}\t#{@price}" end end # Set it up... Instantiate our class book = "Ruby On Rails For Web Development", 26.95 ) book2 = "Intro To Ruby", 25.95 ) # Call the thing! puts book puts book2 # Call The Description Getter puts book.description # Call the Setter, set a different Description puts book.description= "I Like Cheese!"
# Delete the Getter and Setter from above, replace it with attr_accessor # Note: Doesn't write your initialize method instance variables! class Product attr_accessor :description # Always Initialize It First def initialize( description, price) @id = rand(100...999) @description = description @price = price end def to_s # return by rewriting to_s :-p and add tabs with \t return "#{@id}\t#{@description}\t#{@price}" end end # Set it up... Instantiate our class book = "Ruby On Rails For Web Development", 26.95 ) book2 = "Intro To Ruby", 25.95 ) # Call the thing! puts book puts book2 # Call The Description Getter puts book.description # Call the Setter, set a different Description puts book.description= "I Like Cheese!"
# Our Lion Class Inherits All the stuff from our Animal Class class Animal attr_accessor :color, :name def initialize ( name, color ) @name = name @color = color end end class Lion < Animal # Inherit by using < Animal def speak return "RAWR!" end end # Instantiate our class lion = "lion", "golden" ) # Inspect puts lion.inspect # Speak puts lion.speak # Color inherited from Animal class! puts lion.color
# open a file (in current directory), stuff it into a variable my_file ="whatever.txt") # loop through the file = while not at end of file while ! my_file.eof? stuff = my_file.gets.chomp # print out each line puts stuff end # close the file my_file.close
# open a file (in current directory), stuff it into a variable my_file ="whatever.txt") my_array = [] # loop through the file = while not at end of file while ! my_file.eof? stuff = my_file.gets.chomp # Stick the stuff into the array my_array << stuff end # close the file my_file.close
####################################################################### # # Ruby File Open Modes: # # r (read only default) # # r+ (Read-write starting at beginning of file) # # w (Write-only, creates new file for writing) # # w+ (Read-write, truncates or creates new file for read and write) # # a (Write-only, starts at end of file if exists, or creates new one) # # a+ (Read-write, starts at end of file if exists, or creates new one) # # b (Dos/Windows binary file mode) # ####################################################################### # Open File For Write Only my_file ="whatever.txt", "w") # Open File For Read-Write Beginning of file my_file ="whatever.txt", "r+") # Open File For Read-Write Truncates my_file ="whatever.txt", "w+") # Open File For Write-Only my_file ="whatever.txt", "a") # Open File For Read-Write end of file my_file ="whatever.txt", "a+") # close the file my_file.close
system "clear"
def menu () menu_string = "1. Show Menu\n" menu_string += "2. Add Numbers\n" menu_string += "3. Subtract Numbers\n" menu_string += "4. Quit\n" return menu_string end # Main Program Starts system "clear" # Clear the screen choice = 0 while choice < 4 do puts menu() choice = gets.to_i if choice == 1 system "clear" elsif choice == 2 puts "\n\nAdd Some Numbers\n\n" elsif choice == 3 puts "\n\nSubtract some Numbers\n\n" else end end
require "open-uri" puts open("").read
@files = Dir.glob('*')
<ul> <% for file in @files %> <li> File name is: <%= file %> </li> <% end %> </ul>
gem install "rest-client" gem install "crack"
require 'rubygems' require 'rest-client' require 'crack' def get_coordinates_from_address(addr) base_google_url = "" res = RestClient.get(URI.encode("#{base_google_url}#{addr}")) parsed_res = Crack::XML.parse(res) lat = parsed_res["GeocodeResponse"]["result"]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"] lng = parsed_res["GeocodeResponse"]["result"]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"] return "#{lat}, #{lng}" end #Get the address from the user puts "Enter and Address" addy = gets.chomp #run this sucker! latlng = get_coordinates_from_address(addy) puts latlng